Welcome to our audio first aid centre.
Below you will see 7 small MP3 files which can be downloaded on to your iPod or any other MP3 player.
Wherever your iPod goes the advice will go with you!
To save them on your computer, right-click on any of the links below and then click ‘Save Target As…”
Click on any of the links below to play the audio files:
- Burns: Explains the immediate treatment for burns and scalds.
- Fits: How to deal with fits (convulsions/seizures) in adults and young children.
- Wounds: Immediate actions for wounds, bleeding, and bleeding associated with fractures.
- Unconscious patient who is breathing: How to deal with an unrousable patient who IS breathing (includes recovery position)
- CPR for adults: Adults who have collapsed, unrousable and NOT breathing.
- CPR for babies: Babies who are unrousable and NOT breathing.
- Collapsed patient in detail: Explains the complete scenario including checks for breathing, circulation, etc.
These files have been prepared by Sussex Ambulance Service and comply with European Resuscitation Council Guidelines.